
The Predatory Gambling Liability Project (PGLP) is part of Stop Predatory Gambling (SPG), a 501(c)(3) organization.  Through legislative reform, education, direct action, and the PGLP’s support of well-founded litigation, SPG aims to end the unfairness and inequality created by governments which authorize, sponsor, and encourage commercial gambling via casinos and lotteries.

By encouraging and protecting commercial gambling, government policies exploit, rather than protect, citizens.  Seeing short-term revenue gains, these governments naively believe they profit from this exploitation (since the commercial gambling industry certainly does–and bears none of the social costs). Instead, the governments and, ultimately, their citizens wind up bearing social costs which far outweigh any revenue or job gains (evidence shows an approximate 3 to 1 ratio of costs exceeding gains from commercial gambling). Overwhelmingly, these costs wind up being paid by non-gambling citizens through higher taxes and displaced resource-usage, while the commercial gambling industry evades paying its’ fair share.

Politically-connected, favored commercial gambling industry operators suck the wealth and health from communities and individuals. When legislators, beholden to persons once called racketeers, no longer protect the public, PGLP-supported litigation–well-founded, with sound theories of liability and supported by the latest scientific, behavioral, and medical evidence–will.  PGLP-participating lawyers and law professors will help courts shift these commercial gambling cost burdens back to those purposely causing and profiting from the harms.  In an era of comparative fault, no longer can an industry and its governmental-protectors shift all the blame and costs onto those they exploit, deceive, addict, ruin–and even kill.  Smart, targeted, patient litigation works–just ask, for example, Big Tobacco, the Asbestos Industry, or thalidomide-pushing Big Pharma–and the Predatory Gambling Liability Project knows this. Support SPG and the PGLP!